Textile Association of Galicia – ATEXGA is a no profit organization, was constituted with the objective of promote the development of activities that could contribute to a better coordination and competitiveness of the Galician textile sector, through the provision of horizontal services focused in the textile and clothing industries.
ATEXGA has a total number of 40 companies associated, which hired almost 5.000 direct employees of the textile sector, and that contribute with a turnover around EUR 422 million.
The main goal of ATEXGA is the development of all the activities that will benefit the textile sector in Galicia, through the promotion and encouragement of the competitive improvement of the companies by means of the quality, innovation, internationalization and the technological development. We also work for the representation and promotion of the professional, social and cultural interests of our associated members, including a constant work of training and professional promotion of their members.
Address: Rúa do Tomiño, nº 24, entlo, CP.15704, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Telephone: +34 981 552 040
Contact person: Mrs. Eva Ben
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.